Thursday, March 14, 2013

In A Nutshell... 2012







Thursday, February 17, 2011

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

It is turning out to be a Happy New Year.

The Holidays passed quickly. We spent Thanksgiving week in Arkansas, visiting the inlaws. And then a quiet Christmas, with just us, here at home.
The kids were very disappointed when I dragged them off to church before we opened presents.
We were pleasently surprised when it began to snow. Georgia has not had a White Christmas in more than a hundred years.
Now, we are well into the New Year, and we are enjoying our 2011.
Dyllen happily celebrated his second birthday last month. We had friends over, and Dyl was able to blow out his candles and eat his cake on his own.
We had Chocolates for Valentine's Day, this week. And, Andrew and I were able to get out for a movie.
The boys have been sick this week. Dyllen is cutting a big tooth, and seems to be in a lot of pain. I was awake with him throughout the night. Today we are both tired and cranky.
We have all been to the dentist. I'm the only one with cavities. And Andrew had a root canal.
Today, like many days, has been a pajama day. We haven't had to leave the house, so why not remain in our comfortable jammies?
Enjoyed the movie "The Duchess" this afternoon. Now the boys are snuggling next to me, watching their favorite, Kipper.
Must go, to put the laundry in the dryer and start dinner.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

No Speeh Therapy...

Ayden is sneezing and coughing, so we rescheduled for Thurs afternoon.
I'm knitting a scarf. I'm modeling it after the red-black sheep sweater that princess Diana wore in the 80's. Intarsia is difficult.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Andrew's Sick

He had a shot last night. It doesn't always make him sick, but, today it did. He's in the parking lot at work, laying in his car. I wish he'd come home, but, he's wishing he'll feel better so that he can get back on the clock.
Ayden has had serious potty training regression. Ever since it's been cold, and I've had to put him in clothes, he has been having poopy accidents. But, today, it's warmer, so I've left him naked, so hopefully he'll get the hang of it again.
I'm making thanksgiving dinner today. Bread for rolls is in the bread machine.